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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Make Money From Readers' Letters

An Extra Stream of Income for the Freelance Writer

Readers’ letters, which appear in most newspapers and magazines, can be an extra form of income for both the beginner and experienced freelance writer.

Why Write Readers’ Letters?

Readers’ letters are a quick and easy way to earn money and win prizes. You have the satisfaction of sharing your opinions, the bonus of winning prizes and the knowledge that, if you write letters regularly, there’s always something that might be published, whatever else might be happening with the rest of your freelance writing.

Letters are ideal to fit around the rest of your writing projects. Often, creating a letter in a short time can keep you in the writing habit when things are tough. You might be struggling with a novel, but a half-hour break to put together a letter to a newspaper or magazine can be enough to refresh and revitalize your work.

Readers’ Letters are the perfect way for a beginner writer to see their name in print. Most people are capable of putting together a short piece of writing on something that interests them. Add to this the possibility of winning cash or a prize, and this is the perfect first writing gig.

How to Compose a Readers’ Letter

Choose a publication which interests you, at least to start with. This way, your enthusiasm will shine through and you’re less likely to make factual errors. Once you’ve had a few letters published in familiar journals, you can look to expand your portfolio.

Have a good look at the letters page of your chosen magazine. What’s the average word count of the letters? Do readers write in to discuss previous articles, exchange news and opinions or just write about anything that interests them? Stick to the general style and you have more chance of being chosen by the editor.

Remember, editors like to encourage readers to share their views. If you can write a letter which will encourage others to respond, whether they agree or disagree with your views, the editor will be more likely to print your submission.

Readers' Letter Dos and Don’ts

Do come across as a genuine reader. This isn’t the place to write in on your headed ‘freelance writer’ notepaper. Editors like to think they’re hearing from members of the public.

Do accompany your letter with a photograph if possible. Images brighten up the page and increase your chances of publication.

Don’t be tempted to invent details about yourself or your family. Remember, a friend or colleague could be reading your words within weeks.

Don’t feel you have to be insincere in your praise of the magazine. A little controversy can be good and instigate reader discussions.

Don’t include a stamped addressed envelope as you would with a freelance submission. You’re unlikely to receive a response, unless through the pages of the publication.

Do submit your letter by email if possible. Not only do you save on postage, but if your letter is topical, it reaches the editor sooner for inclusion in the next available issue.

Beyond the Readers’ Letter

Once you’ve notched up a good few published letters, you can expand your horizons. Browse the racks of magazines at a large news store and take a look at the prizes your letter could win. Seek out publications you wouldn’t normally read and see what’s on offer.

Swop magazines with friends. This gives you a bigger range of possible markets. Read the magazines at doctor’s surgeries and libraries, opportunities are everywhere. You can always note brief address or website details if you can’t take the magazine home.

Make Extra Money Fast and Easy

Making a Few Hundred Extra in Cash Is as Easy as Making a List

Your earning capacity is only limited by the scope of your imagination. While none of these suggestions will make you a millionaire overnight, they may be just the push you need to earn enough for that weekend getaway you've been putting off.

Selling Your Extra Items

Studies show the average person has over $1200 in sellable items sitting around the house. You'd be surprised what might be valuable to someone else. An old Hallmark Christmas ornament your mother in law gave you could fetch $100 on online auction sites. That designer sweater that never really was your style might be exactly what someone else is looking for. With a digital camera, an Internet connection, and a few hours on a Sunday afternoon, you can pad your pockets with next month's grocery money.

Use your contacts. Make a list of items you wouldn't mind parting with, or services you have to offer and send a mass e-mail to everyone on your mailing list. An old desk, or spare time to walk a neighbor's dog while they're at work may seem trivial to you, but may be priceless to someone else. By sending out the word that you're enterprising, people will feel more comfortable approaching you if you have something they're interested in.

Cutting Cost Is Earning Money

Do a careful review of your bills and look for unnecessary purchases. Everyone is guilty of it, you sign up for a package for some service that you actually could live without. Start with your phone bill. Odds are, your needs have changed since you originally selected your plan. Can you cut back that text message package? Do you really need 2000 minutes? Do you travel enough to necessitate a National Roaming Plan?

Cutting even $5.00 a month is a $60.00 a year savings. $60.00 is a semi-fancy dinner out. Check out your cable package, memberships to any clubs, and other expenses that have become habit that maybe you could do without. Figure up the numbers on those fancy coffee drinks, it might be cost effective to buy an elaborate coffee maker and do it yourself. Over time, if you come out ahead, you've earned money.

Provide a Service for Extra Funds

There is no shame in accepting compensation for a good deed. If you live in a metropolitan city, consider putting an ad on Craigslist or a similar site, offering house sitting services such as daily mail collection or plant watering for people who are out of town. While you're listing your items for sale online, put a notice up on the office bulletin board letting co-workers know you're doing some listing and offer to list their items as well. You can charge 10% of the sale for your time, and help your office mates get rid of some old clutter.

Capitalize on Your Strengths

What you take for granted may be someone else's weakness. Make a list of skills you possess, subjects you're strong in, or talents you've honed. Decide how you could share your craft with others, either by providing lessons or tutoring and start advertising. A flyer in the local community center offering your skills as a math tutor or offering to cut a neighbor's yard will not only bring in revenue, but introduce you to potential friends in your area.

How to Make Money Fast

Tips on Earning Extra Cash in the Next Few Days

How can you make some fast money? Here are some tips on making fast money ethically and legally. Any one of these tips should help you make some quick cash. Before jumping into these money-making tips, here are a couple things to keep in mind.

First, these tips are aimed at helping you make money fast. They are NOT going to make you rich. One or two tips should earn you an extra $50-100 over the next week. Implement all the tips, and you could see a couple hundred dollars added to your bottom line. But do not expect quick riches.

Second, you need some planning and a few days to work with. That planning should include ways to start saving money.

If you are in a situation where you need quick cash today, then you're in a crisis -- and you probably need to borrow money from friends, relatives, a bank, or (last resort) a fast cash outlet. This article is aimed at those who have at least a few days (preferably a week) to work with.

1. Offer Seasonal Work to Your Neighborhood and/or Surrounding Area

Use your time off from your main job (which will probably be your evenings and weekends) to offer your seasonal labor services to your neighbors and, time-permitting, residents in close-by neighborhoods. Seasonal work includes raking leaves, mowing lawns, or shoveling snow.

The best way is to blanket your target neighborhood with 200-400 flyers, offering your services for an appropriate amount per lawn, driveway, etc. depending upon its size and the amount of work involved. Make sure your contact information is on the flyer. To expedite results, you can grab your rake (or shovel or lawn-mower) and just go door-to-door, offering your services directly.

If this is "beneath you," consider how seriously and quickly you need the money. If you need money fast, this is a great way to do it.

If it's STILL "beneath you," then TEAM UP with a neighborhood teenager. You can be the one to distribute the flyers and take the phone calls. Your partner can then do the actual labor - based on appointments you set from the people calling in response to the flyer. The two of you then split the money.

2. Call a Local Contractor

Find a local contractor and see if you can hire yourself out as a day laborer. This is a particularly viable option, if you're the "handy-man" type. There are probably quite a few contractors in your area looking for day laborers to help them build and/or repair houses, decks, fences, etc.

3. Sell Some Stuff

Go through your house, attic, garage, etc. and pick out EVERYTHING that you are willing to part with. Then, depending on the weather and time of year, put signs up around the community that announce your yard sale.

If you have more time, go to eBay, register, and list the items online. Mark Joyner, a bestselling author and co-founder of Guerilla Marketing Network, says to "pick 40 of your items" no matter how "silly or seemingly worthless they are." Then, review a few books and articles on effective sales writing and marketing and (based on that knowledge) "create eBay pages to sell every one of those products."

If you have the ingredients, try baking a bunch of cookies - and then call some businesses in your area to see if you can sell the cookies to their employees during the lunch hour.

4. Offer to Distribute Stuff

Contact your local newspaper to see if they have need for a neighborhood distributor. If so, you're in luck.
Don't stop there, though. Use your phone book and/or the local Chamber of Commerce to research businesses (retail or restaurant being the best) that market to the general community. Call them up and offer to distribute flyers for them -- for a price.

BONUS TIP: See if you can combine Tactics 1 and 4 (handing out flyers for yourself AND for these businesses - at the same time).
The above tips should get you started on making fast cash. However, you need to step back and look at your overall money situation. Better planning will enable you to make even greater money in the long term. And long-term earnings is (or at least should be) your financial objective.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Set up a Money Making Blog

Set up a Money Making Blog in Some Steps

Blogging is big business these days and if you are looking for a quick way to start earning a few bucks online then having your own blog is a must.

There are two main types that I would recommend having a look at - Wordpress (for the more advanced among you) and (for beginners)

A wordpress blog is definitely the better of the two because you can actually control the design, entries and all the plugins that come along with it but if you have very little background in using the internet or HTML code you may want to hire someone to set it up for you.

If you want to do it yourself I suggest starting by getting a account for free. is owned by Google and offers some great features that are easy to set up. Plus anything owned by the largest search engine company in the world is worth checking out.

Here are the steps to setting up a blog of your own.

1. First of all log online and go to

2. Find the orange arrow that says “Create your blog now” and click on it.

3. Enter a user name and password, along with the name of your blog and your email address. Write down your user name and password.

Try and use the same user name and password you use for other things. Your password should contain at least 2 letters and the rest can be numbers.

4. Click “Continue”

5. Next enter a title for your blog such as “All About Golf” and a blog address. The address will be part of the web address for your blog.

For example, if you type “allaboutgolf” your blog address would be That’s the address you’ll give to anyone who wants to visit your blog.
Choosing a name that relates to the theme of your blog is a good idea.

6. Now you will choose a template which is how your blog will appear. Whatever template you select you can change it later without losing any content so don’t worry if you are not 100% sure you like it at this stage.

7. Click “Continue,” and will create your blog.

And there you have it, 7 simple steps on how to build a blog!!
Once you have finished these steps simply click on the “Start Posting” button and go ahead and write something. You can write anything you want and then delete it at any time so just give it a shot and get used to how everything works.

You will see 5 icons above the box where you type your blog post. B is for bold, I is for italic and so on.
All you do is highlight the text you want to change and then click the B or I etc and the effect will automatically be done for you. You can also insert graphics and hyperlink text to each post.
You do not need to get too fancy at first. Just practice adding some good content to each post by typing your thoughts. You can preview each post before you publish it which allows you to go back and make changes as needed.

Once you are happy with what you see then click on “Publish Post” button and Blogger will publish your post on the internet for you.
After your post is published you can click on “View Post” and see what your visitors will see. The website address for this blog post will be in your status bar if you want to refer people to this specific page.

Try and make blogging fun but remember you are also trying to create financial freedom here so keep looking for new ways of monetizing it.

This is your chance to easily put your thoughts on the internet and is really helping out here by doing all of the technical stuff. You can play around with your Dashboard and learn all of the various functions you have at your disposal.

This is obviously just a quick overview on how to build a blog and there is so much more you can do which I am unable to detail in a single article. So have a play about with, get used to how everything works and then maybe consider moving on to Wordpress and really concentrate on using that piece of software to start generating a good income.

Make Money From Blogs

Make Money From Blogging

The various methods or ways of profiting or making money from your blog are numerous Firstly, if you do not know what a blog is , An online blog is an online journal platform for discussion on various interests, activities, products on and off the internet.

It is very easy to setup a blog and it is free to sign up with most blogging site but there are certain technicalities you need to adopt for search engine optimization to be able to drive traffic to your blog and make money from it How to make money from blogging

1. With an online blog, you can make money there by offering your product and services and do product reviews on your blogs

2. You could also promote affiliate products on your blogs and make money from it.

3.You could create different blogs for different niche areas , do product reviews on it and make money from your blogs.

4. If you generate traffic enough to develop a large blog you could offer advertising space on your blog and make money from your blog through sales of advert space

5. Also you could partner with google or other pay per click site to offer their adsense adverts on your blogs to make money from your blog .
This are some of the various ways that you can profit from creating blogs and make money from it.

Another important thing is that you need to have a way of bring traffic to your blog to make money from it. Some of the traffic sources include submission to blog directories , search engines, link and banner exchange with other blogs, write on blogger sites. To succeed with your blog ,you also need to discover a proven method of generating traffic to your blog and do quality search engine optimizations for your blogs to profit from it .There are quality resources available on traffic generation to blogs.

Guide on Easy Profit Blogging

Guide on Easy Profit From Blogging

In this article I want to give you 5 simple blog tips that can make a real difference to your business.

We will look at some of the basics of blogging, where you can find free blog templates, and a few other nuggets that will make your life that little bit easier and far more profitable.

1. Pick Out A Good Template

The most popular blogging platforms used today are and WordPress. Both of them offer many different templates for free that you can quickly use to set up your blog.
It is to your advantage to pick a blog template that is easy for you to work with, matches the theme of your website (if you have one), and gives a general look and feel that visitors will be comfortable with.

You can Google search the words “free blog templates” to find millions of websites offering you more choices if you need them.

2. Be Consistent

The biggest mistake that people make when they blog is that they don’t do it on a consistent basis. I cannot stress how important it is that whatever you choose for your blogging schedule you be consistent in doing it. You do not have to look very long to find literally millions of orphaned blogs on the Internet today.

Because it is very easy for people to start a blog they initially get all excited without realizing how much actually goes in to making it a successful business.
Blogging can be very hard work, so it will be important to your success that you consistently stick with it.

My suggestion when you first start out is to try and post a new blog every day for at least the first month (if not the first 2 months) and then every 2-3 days thereafter. You do this so that you get visitors used to coming and reading your content as well as getting search engines spidering your blog on a consistent basis.

Eventually you can settle into a schedule that might just be a couple of times a week but that will really depend on the theme of your blog and the type of content that you offer.

3. Create A Buzz

Number three in my top blog tips is to make sure you are offering fresh, entertaining, controversial, thought-provoking content that will create a buzz and possibly go viral.
You will be working hard to attract visitors to your blog and your goal should then be to get them coming back and bringing their friends.

4. Keywords Are Massively Important

Today with the number of websites and blog content available on the Internet you have a better chance to be read if you target, primary keywords in your blog articles.

You want to choose your primary keyword and put that as close to the front of the title of your post as possible. You also want to include it in your introduction and closing paragraph and make the keyword font bold if possible.

As you write your post try to use variations of the keyword phrase and make them sound natural throughout the rest of the article.

What you are doing when you do this is practicing basic search engine optimization (SEO) techniques that most bloggers miss. You will find that your various blog posts will begin to show up on page 1 of search engines such as Google and Yahoo when you lay your blog articles out this way.

5. Don’t Forget To Hyperlink

Another basic blogging technique that people miss out on is hyperlinking keyword phrases in their post back to sales pages of products they sell. If your goal is to create financial freedom and make money with your blog the article itself is an excellent place to do that.

Your visitors will notice your page as they come to it, but then they will be drawn to the content. You stand a better chance to make a sale by hyperlinking back to the sales page in the blog article itself, than you do plastering banners all over the top and down the side of each page.
Use these 5 basic blog tips to become a more accomplished and profitable blogger.

Make Money From Video Blogging

Make Money Easy Way From Video Blogging

One of the great things about blogging is that it is an interactive way for you to get your thoughts out on the Internet to millions of potential readers and customers. And a popular way that blogging has progressed recently is in the form of audio and video on your blog and within your posts.

People love to be entertained and you just need to look at sites like Youtube to realise how popular posting and watching videos has become. They get millions upon millions of hits every single day.

Now I’m not suggesting your blog will automatically get that many hits if you put up a few videos, but it does go to prove that a lot of people prefer watching something than reading words on a page and, done correctly, you will be able to earn yourself some good money from blog videos.

Learning how to create a Youtube type of video is really not that hard and the benefit to you as a blogger is you can create a blog video and add it to a post to make it more entertaining and informative.

Some people do not just like to read a blog post. They want the option of clicking on a link and watching the video and listening to audio. It is becoming important for all bloggers to understand this and move their business up a notch by adding video blogs where relevant.
Because so many products are sold on the Internet today via affiliate marketing, you are beginning to see videos created where you can embed your affiliate ID directly into the video itself and this allows you to add script in your blog post and play videos without actually creating them yourself.

If you consider yourself an amateur videographer you can quickly put together a video that expresses your thoughts about a particular product relating to a blog post that you are doing.

They offer a great online tutorial that teaches you everything from how to start your own video blog, to creating videos, to content ideas and so on.

Another simple thing you can do is become an Internet marketing spy. Look at some of the blogs that your competitors have, and note down things they are doing to use video to build their business.

You do not want copy them verbatim but you can certainly take some of the good things you see from various blogs and implement them into yours to make your own business stronger.
Having a informative video on your blog may be the difference between making a sale or not and you will definately have more chance making the sale than a competitor who does not have a video.

The important thing about video is that you use it to complement what you are currently doing. This does not mean, however, that you have to create a video blog that is 100% video. Just add them as necessary, and make them a part of the overall experience and excitement you are trying to create with your own personal blog.

One last point to bring up is that search engines are now beginning to spider videos. This gives you yet another opportunity to help your blog be found for content that you produce.
By combining video, audio, fresh content, content provided by your readers, graphics, banners, and so on, you are providing a totally enhanced experience to your visitor.

Having a video blog, or adding blog videos, is just one more way to potentially increase your income and work towards your financial freedom. Plus it can be a lot of fun for both you and your visitors.


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