Making a Few Hundred Extra in Cash Is as Easy as Making a List
Your earning capacity is only limited by the scope of your imagination. While none of these suggestions will make you a millionaire overnight, they may be just the push you need to earn enough for that weekend getaway you've been putting off.
Selling Your Extra Items
Studies show the average person has over $1200 in sellable items sitting around the house. You'd be surprised what might be valuable to someone else. An old Hallmark Christmas ornament your mother in law gave you could fetch $100 on online auction sites. That designer sweater that never really was your style might be exactly what someone else is looking for. With a digital camera, an Internet connection, and a few hours on a Sunday afternoon, you can pad your pockets with next month's grocery money.
Use your contacts. Make a list of items you wouldn't mind parting with, or services you have to offer and send a mass e-mail to everyone on your mailing list. An old desk, or spare time to walk a neighbor's dog while they're at work may seem trivial to you, but may be priceless to someone else. By sending out the word that you're enterprising, people will feel more comfortable approaching you if you have something they're interested in.
Cutting Cost Is Earning Money
Do a careful review of your bills and look for unnecessary purchases. Everyone is guilty of it, you sign up for a package for some service that you actually could live without. Start with your phone bill. Odds are, your needs have changed since you originally selected your plan. Can you cut back that text message package? Do you really need 2000 minutes? Do you travel enough to necessitate a National Roaming Plan?
Cutting even $5.00 a month is a $60.00 a year savings. $60.00 is a semi-fancy dinner out. Check out your cable package, memberships to any clubs, and other expenses that have become habit that maybe you could do without. Figure up the numbers on those fancy coffee drinks, it might be cost effective to buy an elaborate coffee maker and do it yourself. Over time, if you come out ahead, you've earned money.
Provide a Service for Extra Funds
There is no shame in accepting compensation for a good deed. If you live in a metropolitan city, consider putting an ad on Craigslist or a similar site, offering house sitting services such as daily mail collection or plant watering for people who are out of town. While you're listing your items for sale online, put a notice up on the office bulletin board letting co-workers know you're doing some listing and offer to list their items as well. You can charge 10% of the sale for your time, and help your office mates get rid of some old clutter.
Capitalize on Your Strengths
What you take for granted may be someone else's weakness. Make a list of skills you possess, subjects you're strong in, or talents you've honed. Decide how you could share your craft with others, either by providing lessons or tutoring and start advertising. A flyer in the local community center offering your skills as a math tutor or offering to cut a neighbor's yard will not only bring in revenue, but introduce you to potential friends in your area.
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