Success Description
Success is when you feel at ease with yourself, when you earn enough doing a job you love to sleep well at nights, when your close relationships are great and you are a positive influence on those around you. When you can deal with adversity and plan for the future.
Success is also knowing that you are firing on all four cylinders, that you have achieved self-control, that you can make yourself do the things you need to do when you need to them.
A successful person is a great time manager, each day having a sense of purpose, each day having goals and structure whether that be for work or leisure.
Success isn’t all about money!
The Importance of Your Success
Your social circle, family, work colleagues are your strong links these are people you see frequently, the danger is however that can become a barrier between you and new experiences. Weak links are say an old school friend you happen to bump into at a conference or on a flight.
Weak ties can provide you with information that you might otherwise not have come in contact with, something our closest associates, who share very similar experiences, cannot do. Why does this happen? well the Weak Link can help you see perspective, offer unexpected advice, criticism, or suggest people you might contact. They might have succeeded, failed, dropped out, changed religion, they might surprise,embarrass or challenge you, things your strong links rarely do.
I was introduced to the importance of Weak Associations by Tom Butler-Bowden author of the indispensable 50 Greatest Success Books, 50 Greatest Self-Development Books series.
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